Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby Blues

Hello world, it's been awhile. It seems like everything gets put on hold while you have a baby. Actually, it feels like the world passes you by when you have a baby. It's even scarier when you work for yourself. There isn't a law that says I get my job back after maternity leave. I have to tell you that it was incredibly difficult going from a entrepreneur/programmer to a new full time mom in a week. All of the sudden I am needed 24/7 and am called to action at least every 3 hours. At first, babies don't do much and mothering is more about troubleshooting. Now that she is almost 4 months we are into the entertainment portion of development. This is where my patience runs out. This is where I cry for help and am thankful for daycare. Unfortunately, with daycare comes illness. She has already come home with a cold and now RSV and how on earth can you breastfeed and NOT get all of their illnesses? I have been sick more in the last two months than I have in the last two years. So much for going back to work. I can't get anything done!

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