Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How the hell did that happen?

At Easter this year, my 5 year old got some silly putty - an Easter tradition in my family because it conveniently already comes in an egg container - and who doesn't like copying Sunday comics and stretching them out of proportion?

About an hour after the basket fun, while I was in the kitchen working on breakfast, I hear, "Sorry mom, I'm so sorry, and I don't know how it happened."

Silly putty in his hair. In his hair! Seriously? I've heard of girls getting bubble gum in their hair because the wind blows and hair gets in their mouth or whatever, but seriously?

So while I was busy googling "how to remove silly putty from hair," my husband cut it out. No worse for the wear, my monster was quite pleased with himself that he had done something so crazy. And I got a great picture of my 5 year old boy being, well, a 5 year old boy. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Commercials that rock

While on maternity leave, I have subjected myself to live TV. Yes, including commercials. And I've actually found some pretty awesome commercials that I felt like sharing.

Here's one that makes me cry every. single. time. Nice job, J&J. Okay, and now I'm crying again because I had to watch it. :-) I love this commercial.

A few that make giggle from the truth.
on breastfeeding:
on potty training:
on potty training:

And a random AT&T commercial that really cracks me up.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Back and better than ever

So after a bit of a hiatus (when work got crazy and those 10 minutes I used to spend on blogging after the kiddo was in bed got spent working more...) I'm back to my keyboard and finding comfort in the ability to post again!

I'm currently not working as I'm on maternity leave, though the days seem to disappear even faster now, especially since I spend about 3-4 cumulative hours of the day sitting on the couch feeding my darling new baby girl!

Baby girl will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, baby boy is 5 years old already! We've finally gotten into our groove where I wake up around 6 or 7 and feed the baby, then get the big boy breakfast and make his lunch and make sure he's dressed, teeth brushed, etc. (if he's not already) while hubby showers. Hubby takes him to school and I spend the next hour or two (while baby girl naps) getting laundry going and cleaning the insane disaster that somehow occurs between the time the hubby and boy get home from work/school and when they leave the next morning. Seriously. How does that happen??? Its like the Tasmanian devil whirls through this place!

So here's my concern: 4 weeks from now I will be going back to work and won't have that 2 hours each morning to get it done. I don't want to do it at night because that's when I have to make dinner, spend time with the kids, give baths, get them into bed, then actually spend an hour with my husband watching some TV show we've had recorded for weeks.

Yes, I know the 5 year old can start helping with things like cleaning and laundry, but I need your advice! If you're a working mom of 2 or more kids - how do you get the home stuff done??