Sunday, December 18, 2011

Requisite post about the Elf

Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help us define who we are; they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a confusing world.
   - Susan Lieberman

I got my memo to post about the Elf on the Shelf from the International Society of Imaginary Peer Pressure Among Mommy Bloggers, so here is my post.

I was at a big bookstore today getting in some more gift-getting, and happened past this new Elf parody: Elf Off the Shelf. Now, I know that you have to pick something and pull the trigger fast to capitalize on the craze, (and I was 100% behind Go the F--- to Sleep), but this parenting parody seemed like just a sad attempt.

First of all, let me state my position: I am PRO-Elf. I've had three recent conversations with moms who are anti-Elf, believing that discipline is a year-round thing, not just something meant for Christmastime.

I completely agree with this sentiment, which is why we have the Valentine's Day Candy Threat, Easter Bunny Threat, the Tooth Fairy Threat, the Halloween Candy Threat, the No-TV Threat, and any other threat that happens to potentially take away something that my child wants.Which is why I and six of the daycare moms and coworkers I've polled so far also have an Elf.

Now that I have stated my Pro-Elf position, let me now state my 2-Hour Mom position: I don't have time to be an Overachieving Elf-on-the-Shelf Mom, or post my amazing Elf-tastic moments to Pintrest (I admit to really loving this one, though).

Our elf is named Zaphod, and he changes positions most nights. I've only forgotten once, but my kid forgot to look for him that morning, so I was able to slyly reposition him while the kiddo let the dogs out.

In case you didn't know, these elves are modeled on a decoration from the 40s or 50s. My mother has about 30 of them that she used to always decorate the house with for Christmas. We'll be taking the kiddo home to my parents' house this year, so it will be absolutely hysterical to see what he thinks of so many elves hanging out at Gangee and Pappo's house! I'm hoping he finds it funny and doesn't have to have therapy later in life..

I know I'll get tired of the internet meme that is the Elf on the Shelf, but in my house, I'll never get tired of seeing my kid try to find him when he comes downstairs in the morning.

I like the elf. I'm not going to do crazy insane things with him like make pillows out of marshmallows or have him flying across the room on a helium balloon. But I like him. Traditions are fun and they make creating the memories of the holidays all that more exciting. Kudos to you overachieving Elf moms. And kudos to us busy moms who like to try, too. And uber-kudos to you other moms whose kids are just naturally well-behaved! :-)

Obligatory Elf on the Shelf post complete.

1 comment:

  1. Have you read this?

    I'm not a mom but found it very funny!
