I took a quick trip out of town and left the 3-year-old alone with daddy. I put my phone on vibrate and headed to a networking reception. When my gut insticts told me it might be getting close to bedtime in Austin, I checked my phone - missed call from home 15 mins ago. Phone was on silent instead of vibrate. Called home to say goodnight, and it seems that the kiddo was not being perfectly good that evening and hubby put him down to bed early.
I missed saying goodnight to my kid! Not that there's much exchange on these calls... they tend to go like this:
"Hi pumpkin head! how was your day?"
"Hi mommy. Are you coming home?"
"Tomorrow, baby. I'll pick you up from school tomorrow."
-crumble, static, noise, crumble, mumble -
- mumbled voice - "don't hit buttons, Reilly"
- mumbled voice - "why?"
-mumbmled voice - "because you'll hang up on mommy."
Then a series of calls saying I guess he doesn't want to talk anymore, say goodnight for me, etc. etc.
Yes, I know how these calls will go and they are relatively unfulfilling in the realm of deep discussions, but they are the necessary end to the day. AND I MISSED IT!
I had no idea that missing that call would make me so sad! I even had a really crazy weird dream last night that I had a baby and he was switched at the hospital with the baby of a friend of mine. The baby I was given was actually a friend of mine's kid, and we decided that since we'd already had the kid for a few hours, we should just keep the ones the hospital gave us. During the dream I couldn't remember what my real baby looked like! The new kid I was given was really cute, but a different ethnicity than my family, so it was obvious that it wasn't mine. What a troubling dream!
Yes, I woke up remembering clearly what my own kid looks like. I was only gone for 2 nights, after all. I'm now on the plane heading home and will pick up the monster child from school.
2-Hour-Mom guilt dreams SUCK!!!
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